Washington Primary School Picture Retakes AND At-Home Learners Picture Day! November 18, 2020. At-home learners, please call the office 719-254-7681 to schedule your time – you must have an appointment. See you then!
about 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
November 18, 2020
To better fit the schedules of our Virtual Learners, the Rocky Ford School District will be extending our Student Meal Pick up time. Meals can be picked up from 11 am to 1 pm Monday through Thursday at the Rocky Ford High School Bus Loop. We ask that everyone please wear your mask & practice social distancing when picking up your meals to help us keep our staff & students safe.
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
Jayden Grano - 11th grade student of the quarter!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
GEAR UP tutoring will continue for 9-11th graders even during remote learning. Mrs. Robinson will host virtual tutoring from 4-5:30pm after school. Here is the link to her Google Meet. https://meet.google.com/lookup/tutoring
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
Rocky Ford School District has canceled Saturday's home football game against Rye. A number of football players were identified as close contacts to a person identified with a COVID-19 infection. They are being asked to quarantine until Nov. 19 which has resulted in too few players to move forward with a football game. While we are disappointed to end the football season in this way, we are appreciative of everyone's support as we work with public health to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 infection.
about 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Rocky Ford School District Grab N Go Meal Distribution: Due to the switch to remote learning for all students at RFJSHS, the meal distribution time will be from 11 am - 12 pm from today through November 24th.
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
If your student is quarantined and begins to experience COVID-like symptoms, the health department would like you to call: 719-468-8083
about 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Rocky Ford Junior Senior High School was made aware that a family with kids in the school may have a COVID-19 infection. First, we hope the students and their family have a speedy recovery. Second, we need to announce a mandatory quarantine for the following groups of students: 8th grade students, 10th grade students, students in Anatomy class, and High School Student Council Members. The students in these groups will need to be quarantined through November 19th. In addition to the students, several staff members must also quarantine. Therefore, the Junior Senior High School will be unable to provide in-person instructional services through the length of the quarantine. Due to the timing and proximity to Thanksgiving Break, starting Tuesday, November 10, the district has decided to place all students on remote learning through Thanksgiving. In-person classes, using the hybrid model, will resume on Monday, November 30th. Please use this link to read a letter with more information: https://5il.co/mwny
about 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Jefferson Intermediate School was made aware that two students from the school may have a COVID-19 infection. First, we hope those those students have a speedy recovery and we extend our well-wishes to the family. Second, we need to announce a mandatory quarantine for two cohorts at Jefferson School. Miss Ortiz's 5th grade class and Miss Efird's 3rd grade class will need to be quarantined through November 19th. Please use this link to read a letter with more information: https://5il.co/mwnz
about 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Luz Rios - 7th grade student of the quarter!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
7th student of the quarter
7th grade perfect attendance students: Ella Olmedo Maestas and Bella Ortiz!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
7th perfect attendance
We honor those students who are here every day and with no more than 1 tardy!! BR: Jayvonn M., Trenton S., Esai V., Anthony G., Elizabeth J., Legacy G. FR: Milani A., Anthony B., Avery W., Kaleb M., Ryleigh S.
about 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
Kindergarten  Perfect Attendance - Qrt 1
Wow! Great job students and parents!! These kiddos were here EVERY day in 1st quarter!! BR: Elias R., Yanelis U., Charles D., Carlito's, Oliver C., Kenzie K. FR: Boaz M., Damaceo A., Paityn E., Saul H. Not Pictured: Spencer B.
about 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
1st  Grade Perfect Attendance - Qrt 1
1st Quarter - PERFECT ATTENDANCE!! (2nd Grade) BR: Sara I. Kenny G., Aaleyah C., Tristan M., Elias A., Jeron A. FR: MiAngel B, Kamiah T., Gemma G.,
about 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
2nd Grade Perfect Attendance - Qrt 1
Character Traits of Respect and Self-Control ~ We have such awesome students!! BR: Celeste T, Dominic H., Orion C., Jaxx T. FR: Zayleigh G., Yanelis U., Santos G. Not Pictured (At-home Learners): Olivia C., Gia C.
about 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
Student of the Week - Nov. 2
Star Readers for First Quarter! Way to go!! BR: Jeremiah O, Sara U., Grady V., Shelby B FR: Aaleyah C., Anthony B. Not Pictured: Tristan M.
about 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
Star Readers - First Quarter
GRAB N GO TIME CHANGE: The Rocky Ford School District is changing the Grab n Go meal pick up time to 11:00-11:30 am beginning tomorrow, November 9th.
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
Get caught doing something positive! JH STUCO are running a positivity campaign called MMAD, Meloneers Making A Difference. When staff or students get caught doing something positive, they receive a MMAD ticket which can be entered into a drawing for prizes. There are small weekly prizes and all of the tickets will be entered into a grand prize drawing at the end of the quarter.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Efird
mmad poster
mmad prize boxes
Washington Primary School Book Fair!! Just in time to prepare for the Holiday Season! The Book Fair has some great selections! This link will get you in the right place! https://www.scholastic.com/bf/washingtonprimaryschool The Fair is around for just a couple of weeks! Happy Shopping!
about 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
Book Fair - WPS