RFJSHS Senior Banner pictures will be taken on Tuesday - 1.19.21 - @ 3:30pm in the auditorium. Please contact coaches for uniform tops and bring your own sports equipment for pictures. Please follow all COVID protocols for social distancing and mask wearing.
RFJSHS students will return to an in person hybrid schedule on Monday – 1.18.21. 7/10/12th grade students will be in person at the school all day on Mondays and Wednesdays. 8/9/11th grade students will be in person at the school all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every class will be in person. Safety checks will still be required upon entering the building and you must wear a mask. School doors open at 7:15am. Please call the school if you have questions.
The RFSD is now ready to begin optional COVID testing for students. Kim Schroeder, our school nurse will be available to test students at WPS on Tuesday from 8-11 am, at JIS on Wednesday from 8-11 am, and at RFJSHS on Thursday from 8-11 am.
Please use this registration link to sign up for a COVID testing appointment. You MUST use the registration link to get the COVID test. There is a mandatory digital consent form that parents complete through the registration link.
Here is the link: https://www.primarybio.com/l/rocky
Once again, this is an optional test and is free to RFSD students.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Snyder or Kim Schroeder.
Grab N Go Menu for the week of January 4th
Rocky Ford School District will not be offering the Grab N Go Meals at the Rocky Ford High School December 21st thru Jan 1st for the Holidays. Thank you everyone who has been coming out for the meals everyday. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday January 4th.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Rocky Ford School District would like to wish everyone a happy New Years holiday. Enjoy this week and be prepared to resume school next week. Remote learning will start again on Monday, January 4th. With the support of local and state public health along with other state agencies, the district will be able to provide increased access to COVID testing for staff and students and other supports to help achieve the goal of returning to in-person and hybrid learning on January 18th. The gradual decrease with infection rates locally will help to bring back more student activities. The contribution that everyone is making to minimize the spread of infection in our area is much appreciated!
Happy Holidays from all the Staff at Washington Primary School!
Due to the bad road conditions, the Rocky Ford School District will not be serving Grab and Go meals today.
Washington Primary students will come home with their Remote Learning supplies and Chromebook, if you had previously requested one. However, if your child does not come home with their supplies, this means we have not received your remote learning paperwork. Please call the school office at 719-254-7681 on Friday, December 4, to make arrangements to pick up those supplies.
Remote Learning begins at 7:45 am on Monday, December 7. There is a NEW REMOTE SCHEDULE FOR ALL GRADES K-2. Please check your student’s backpack.
As a reminder, lunch services are available Monday through Thursday at the H.S. bus loop from 11:00 a– 1:00p.
Students on an IEP or who receive ELL services may receive in-person instruction. We will be contacting you directly.
If you have any questions, please call the school office at 719-254-7681.
Because of the high infection rates for COVID-19 in Otero County and because of the significant number of students who required remote learning after being exposed to the virus over Thanksgiving break, Rocky Ford School District has decided to switch to remote learning for all students K-12. The district will be on remote learning for the last two weeks of Fall Semester 2020 (December 7 - 17) and will remain on remote learning for the first two weeks of Spring Semester 2021 (January 4 - 14). Monday, January 18th, is the target date for returning to in-person school for grades K-6 and hybrid school for grades 7-12. More specific information will be shared by the different schools. Here is a link to the video announcement from Dr. Snyder: https://youtu.be/M0wPYAjJnFk
This is our Staff Tree this year for Christmas. Thank you to our great teachers and paraprofessionals and maintenance staff.
Rocky Ford School District is interested in your feedback on the recent bond election, ballot measure 4A. Please use the survey in the link to provide your feedback. It will take about 1 minute of your time. Thank you! https://forms.gle/1A5s6o1U2piYuAfV8
WPS: Student of the Week for Nov. 30
We are recognizing Kindness and Self-Control. Great job....
Jeron A., Elias A, Oliver C., Macie P., Michael O., Gabriel M., Zia S., Shae R.
Menu for the week of November 30th
WPS Accountability format is going virtual! It is open to parents, students, community members and staff!
November 30, 2020 at 6:00pm.
Use the following link: https://meet.google.com/lookup/ftvzqaxnof
I look forward to seeing you!!
Even a cohort quarantine doesn't stop the learning! I am every so thankful for every staff person, student, and family who is embracing the challenge of learning during this pandemic. Great job students! Keep up the good work!
Everyone, enjoy your break. Rest, relax and be thankful.
Menu for the week of November 23rd
To make sure everything is clear:
K-6 students in Rocky Ford will have school (in-person) on Monday (November 23) and Tuesday (November 24). After Thanksgiving, K-6 will continue to have in-person school. School starts again on Monday, November 30, following Thanksgiving break.
7-12 students in Rocky Ford, all of the students at the Junior Senior High School, will stay with remote learning. There is school on Monday, November 23, and Tuesday, November 24, but it is remote learning on those days. After Thanksgiving break, the Junior Senior High School will remain with remote learning all the way to Christmas (November 30 – December 17). The decision about remote learning versus in-person learning for the Junior Senior High School will be revisited when we get closer to January.
After being notified that Otero County is being assigned to Level Red on Colorado’s COVID dial, Rocky Ford School District engaged in a decision making process to determine whether students should be receiving in-person or remote learning services. The decision was made to keep in-person instruction for grades K-6 and the Junior Senior High School (grades 7-12) will remain with remote learning. This is effective through Christmas. The major reasons for this decision include the data that has shown schools are a safe place to be with very little transmission of the virus and the recommendations from the Governor’s office along with the Department of Public Health to keep elementary in-person and to provide either hybrid or remote learning for secondary students while in Level Red. Please see this video from Superintendent, Dr. Snyder, for more information: https://youtu.be/C3EpRL44DwM
WPS students are loving the great outdoors! It is a great opportunity to remove our masks for a bit, breathe in that clean fresh air and exercise our bodies! A great game of switch-a-roo during PE.
Washington Primary School : Estudiantes desde casa y volver a tomar el foto Dia 18 de Noviembre, 2020. Estudiantes desde casa, Por favor llamar a la oficina, 719-254-7681, para separa su cita - Ustedes deben tener cita. Nos vemos!