RFJSHS Picture Retake day tomorrow - 11.3.20 - from 8am - 11am. This is the last opportunity to take a school picture.
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
JH STUCO members are raising money to pay for JH yearbooks. Please contact a STUCO member to support our fundraiser.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Efird
November Senior Newsletter
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
Senior Financial Newsletter
Mental Health Flyer from CHSAA
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
Mental Health
Menu for the week of November 2nd
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
In response to the move to the Safer at Home Level 2 phase today, the Rocky Ford School District will make adjustments to meet the new guidelines. The more restrictive phase does not change the instructional approaches we already have in place, but it will affect our capacity limitations for public events. Please see the Otero County Health Department guidelines for more information on capacity limitations: https://5il.co/mn4u En respuesta al cambio a la fase de Nivel 2 de Seguridad en el hogar hoy, el Distrito Escolar de Rocky Ford hará ajustes para cumplir con las nuevas pautas. La fase más restrictiva no cambia los enfoques de instrucción que ya tenemos, pero afectará nuestras limitaciones de capacidad para eventos públicos. Consulte las pautas del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Otero para obtener más información sobre las limitaciones de capacidad: https://5il.co/mn4u:
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
Parents of PK-6th grade students: RFHS FBLA is hosting a Trunk or Treat from 6-8pm on 10.31.20 in the high school parking lot. Bring the kids for a Halloween Treat!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
FFA Happy Pumpkins!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
FFA Happy Pumpkins!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
happy pumpkins
RFJSHS Picture Retakes on 11.2.20 and 11.3.20 from 8am - 11am each day. If you did not take your school picture, please make sure you attend one of these picture retake days.
about 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
Menu for the week of October 26th. Our daily menu is also available in the Dining section on our website.
about 4 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
No hay classes para el districto escolar de Rocky Ford hoy, 26 de octubre, debido a la nieve. No hay aprendizaje remoto tampoco.
about 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder
No school for Rocky Ford School District today (Monday, October 26) because of the weather. No remote learning either. (When the district receives all of the back-ordered Chromebook computers and when we have more confidence in the internet service in the area, we may reconsider whether remote learning should take place on snow days.)
about 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder
RFJSHS 7th - 12th grade students interested in becoming a Science Olympiad team member, stop by and talk with Mr. Fredrickson in room 4 or email him at tristan.fredrickson@rockyford.k12.co.us
over 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
RFJSHS staff enjoying a monthly wellness activity - disc golf!!!
over 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
disc golf
Washington Primary School - Staff and Students are celebrating this national day and the end of the quarter! Thursday, October 22 - wear as many colors as you can!
over 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
Let's Celebrate the end of the Quarter!!
RFJSHS 10th grade students: Starting on 11.2.20, all students will be returning to school for their on days. Your child will now begin attending school every M/W beginning on 11.2.20 for in person classes, 7:45am – 4:00pm. Please call the school if you have further questions. RFJSHS 11th grade students: Starting on 11.2.20, all students will be attending class in person for their on days. Your child will now attend school every T/TH beginning on 11.2.20 for in person classes, 7:45am – 4:00pm. Please call the school if you have further questions.
over 4 years ago, Cindy Cowan
The phone system for Rocky Ford School District is back up and running (Oct. 20 9:30 am). Thank you Phillips Communication and SECOM for getting everything back online!
over 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Congratulations Students of the Week!! The character trait is Respect. BR: Mercedes Gallegos and Shelby Baca-Pantoya FR: Damaceo Anzaldua and Dalton Purcell. Not pictured: Raylene Falcon and Atreyous Ramirez
over 4 years ago, Rita Robinson
Students is the Week Oct 19
Rocky Ford School District is experiencing a problem with the phone system. At this time (Oct. 19, 9:45 am), we are unable to make or receive phone calls from outside of the school district network. (From inside the district network, the dialing with the three-digit extensions is still functioning.) The issue is being worked on and we expect service to return soon.
over 4 years ago, Kermit Snyder