Washington Primary School invites you to participate in our Accountability Committee, Tuesday, October 26 at 6:00pm. We will plan on meeting in-person, but also have a virtual option as well. Join us at: Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/aes-apou-uyi Or dial: ‪(US) +1 678-567-4924‬ PIN: ‪817 275 456‬#
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
Q & A
Tuesday, October 26th from 5-8pm, GEAR UP will be hosting a 12th grade FAFSA night in the RFJSHS computer lab room 5. The Financial Aid Department from OJC will be coming to help. Please plan on attending.
over 3 years ago, Cindy Cowan
Washington Primary School gives a shout out to our Students' of the Week for October 18, 2021. The Character Trait is Empathy. Silas Sosa, Joseph Roblero-Herrera, Charlie Lucero, Marley Wells Lovella Harmon, Analeyah Abeyta, Legacy Gallatin
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
Student of the Week - Oct 18
Did you know… The assessed value of a home or commercial property is only a small percentage of the actual value? 4B will cost the average homeowner in Rocky Ford less than $4 per month. It is one of the smallest bonds in the history of the BEST program and will have one of the biggest returns: $40 million.
over 3 years ago, Kermit Snyder
RFJSHS FAFSA NIGHT - Click the link for more details!! https://5il.co/10v2v
over 3 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
RFHS Senior FAFSA Night Tuesday, October 26th from 5-8pm GEAR UP will be hosting a FAFSA night in the high school computer lab room 5. The Financial Aid Department from OJC will be coming to help. Please plan on attending.
over 3 years ago, Cindy Cowan
Washington Primary School would like to honor all of our parents who support their children and our school. During every family event we ask parents to sign in, which then enters them into our quarterly drawing. For our first quarter, the winner received a $25 Gift Card to Rocky Ford Food Market. Thank you to all our families and to our Family of the Quarter! Principal Rita Robinson, Shannon and A'Nehemiah Montoya, family of Kindergartener, Sofia Valadez
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
Washington Primary School honors our Kindergarten students with Perfect Attendance for the 1st Quarter! Kade Parrish, Zeke Gallegos, Amiyah Ruiz, Xandria Hernandez, Azamay Sandoval
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
1stPA -Kinder
Washington Primary School honors our 1st grade students with Perfect Attendance: Milani Aragon, Joe Sandoval, Trenton Schweizer, Ryleigh Sanchez-Whatley
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
1stPA - 1st
Washington Primary School honors our 2nd grade students with Perfect Attendance for the 1st quarter. Santiago Encinias, Alyas Lopez-Barela, O'rion Coffman, Vicente Becerra-Wheeler, Elijah Aragon, Joel Pizano, Boaz Merwin, Spencer Baker, Felicia Sandoval, Laura Perez-Garcia, Paityn Encinias, Macie Pearl
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
1stPA -2nd
Jefferson Intermediate School Annual Chili Supper is coming soon! Our Chili Supper will be held on Friday, October 22nd here at Jefferson from 5-7pm. We will have our amazing chili (chili chip will also be available!!) and cinnamon rolls, a haunted house, games for the kids, raffle items, a cakewalk and a bake sale!! Tickets are $6 each, kids 4 and under eat free. Jefferson students are selling tickets or you can contact the school. Tickets will also be available at the door. We are also looking for donations for raffle items and volunteers are always welcome. Please call the school at 254-7669 if you would like to help out with our Chili Supper!!
over 3 years ago, Tina Haugen
JIS Chili Supper
Washington Primary School recognizes Students of the Week for October 11, 2021. Our character trait continues to be Empathy. Great job : Sophia Puga-Lucero, Eddicus Butler, Adrian Martinez-Mendoza, Eduardo DeCasas, Macie Pearl, Ryleigh Sanchez-Whatley, Harper Morlan, Gwendolen Vigil-Montoya
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
If you are interested in becoming a substitute teacher, please see the attached flyer.
over 3 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
Washington Primary School cordially invites our students' families to celebrate the end of our first quarter at our Town Hall Assembly. Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 8:00am. We will be recognizing students with perfect attendance and select our Family of the Quarter!! Come join us!!
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
Town Crier
Just a quick note to correct some misinformation about the proposed improvement project for Rocky Ford Schools. The project would replace Washington School and Jefferson School with a PK-8 addition to the high school. A recent article claimed that either Washington School or Jefferson School would be turned into low-income housing when they are vacated. This is not true. The plan is to demolish the buildings on the Washington and Jefferson campuses and replace them with a grass park. The school district would maintain the grass. This has all been built into the plan, complete with all the budgetary requirements, and was approved by the BEST grant program board of directors.
over 3 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Ever wonder about what happened to the marijuana money that was supposed to help fund school improvement projects? Here is an article from the Denver Post that provides an explanation. https://5il.co/10bv7
over 3 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Washington Students of the Week of October 4, 2021 Our Character Trait is: Empathy Derick Rodriguez-Salgado, Trenton Schweizer, Anthony Garcia Felicya Torrez, Shea Raines, Demi Gurule, Azali Medina
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson
SoW - 10/4/21
There have been some recent questions about how the marijuana excise tax is used by the state of Colorado to fund capital improvement projects for schools. The fact sheet in the link below provides some information on that topic. Additionally, a link to a recent newspaper article has been provided to help explain the reduction in the tax impact for the 2021 ballot issue. BEST grant program fact sheet: https://5il.co/1069r Article explaining the reduced tax impact: https://5il.co/1069s
over 3 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Rocky Ford School District will be hosting an informational session about ballot measure 4B, concerning a proposed facility improvement project (the replacement of Washington School and Jefferson School with a PK-8 addition to the High School), the $40 million BEST grant, and the associated bond. The meeting will take place at the high school cafeteria on Monday, October 11, at 6:30 pm. Dinner will be provided: R-2 chili chip and cinnamon rolls. We would like to get a rough count of the number of people who will be attending to make sure there is enough food. Please use the link below to let us know if you are coming! https://forms.gle/9fQCMHB6wyDZCSkT7
over 3 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Concept Image
Washington Primary School sends huge THANK YOU to Helping Hands Ministries and the Lotshaw family for supporting our students and their families! Thank you to staff and volunteers including members of the Pueblo Fire Department!! We cannot thank you enough!
over 3 years ago, Rita Robinson