RFJSHS: What a "peachy" time at the Peach Fuzz game! Seniors are killin' the competitions! Now, when teachers/alumni took the court the battle was on!! 27/25 - Seniors dug it out at the end!
![Peach Fuzz](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2925571/large_20b09550-5488-4a5d-a178-a9b53d30e5ba.jpg)
![Senior vs. Teachers](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2925573/large_69a4dccc-d35f-4b8d-acfc-b3fcd6e0cdbe.jpg)
RFJSHS reminds you of this weeks remaining Homecoming events and activities:
Wed - 3:30 Pep Rally
Wed - 6:30 Peach Fuzz
Wed - 8:30 Burning of the RF
Thurs -4:00 JH Football vs. Fowler
Thurs - 4:00 Softball vs. Alamosa
Thurs - 4:30 JH Volleyball @ Crowley County
Thurs - 5:00 Volleyball @ La Junta
Fri - 2:00 Homecoming Parade
Fri - 5:00 Chili Supper
Fri - 7:00 Football vs. Manitou
Fri- 9:30p-11:30 Homecoming Dance
Sat - 7:00a Band @ CSU-Pueblo
Sat - 9:00am JH Volleyball @ Hoehne
Sat - 11:00 Volleyball vs. Swallows
See you there!
RFJSHS Homecoming celebrations continued Monday with the Powder Puff football game. Seniors-Freshmen vs. Sophomores-Juniors. Great game Lady Meloneers!!
Please note a couple of changes... Burning of the RF will be on WEDNESDAY, 9/14 at 8:30pm in the HS Courtyard.
The Chili Supper begins at 5:00pm on Friday, 9/16. We hope to see you at both events!
![Powder Puff FB](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2910122/large_6738b279-b477-4d44-ac8c-096135accd04.jpg)
Let the RFJSHS homecoming events begin! We kicked things off on Sunday with Street painting and Banners. Rocky Ford has talent!! Nice job students!
![Street painting](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2910113/large_af8a56bc-bdcc-4147-8af5-b3f59471d016.jpg)
*JIS and WPS* We are celebrating Homecoming Week to support the RFJSHS. We will be having dress up days at Jefferson and Washington this week. Monday is Which Witch is Which? (Twin Day) Tuesday is Twisted Tuesday (Crazy day, wear crazy, mismatched, inside out clothes). Wednesday is Ruby Red Slippers and Yellow Brick Road day (wear red and gold). There is no school on Thursday, September 15th for K-6th grades. The Homecoming parade is Friday, September 16th at 2:00pm. Hope to see you there!
RFJSHS newsletter is going virtual! I will post a link weekly to the newsletter. It contains the events for this and the following week and futures dates of note. It also contains this week's school lunch menu. You will be able to find this on the School District's Live Feed, Facebook and ALMA.
For the week of Sept. 12, 2022 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zZ8W5mVxIlrx5_38TB-u_7-TU3ybBpLG/view?usp=sharing
Tonight’s home volleyball games against Swink (Thursday, Sep. 8) are being live-streamed on YouTube at: https://youtube.com/channel/UCesxLEsQ2BBFNYQRfD4kIZw
WPS/JIS- ATTENTION PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Please DO NOT park along the front of WPS or along Burrell Ave to pick up your students , use the Parent Pick Up lines. If you have children in both buildings, we will escort WPS students over to JIS and you may pick them all up there. Our number one concern is the safety of all children. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter.
WPS/JIS: Parents/Guardians, If your child arrives after 7:45am, they are tardy and you must sign them in at the Office. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.
If you are unable to attend the Rocky Ford High School football game tonight in person, you can watch the livestream at 7 pm on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/channel/UCesxLEsQ2BBFNYQRfD4kIZw
WPS/JIS: Attention Parents/Guardians: If your child would like to participate in the Homecoming Parade on September 16th. Have your child at the Bus Loop between WPS & JIS at 1:30pm. You can then pick your child up after the Parade at the same location.
RFJSHS invites you! Radio station 92.1 Thunder Country will be hosting a tailgate Friday night from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. Stop by on your way to the game to win some Meloneer swag!
WPS/JIS: Back to School Night for all Elementary Students K-6. Monday, August 29th from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Come visit with your child's teacher, tour the building, and enjoy dinner on us.
WPS/JIS: Reminder: Tomorrow is a Jumpstart Day and Tuesday, August 30th is the First Day of School for all students.
WPS/JIS: Back to School Night for all Elementary Students K-6.
Monday, August 29th from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Come visit with your child's teacher, tour the building, and enjoy dinner on us.
RFJSHS: Due to delays with the HVAC process, the home volleyball games for the week of August 22nd have been moved to "on the road". The home games will be made up later in the season. Thank You, enjoy your weekend!
WPS- Parents/Guardians: We need your help to speed up the process for After School Pick-up of your child. Please have your sign in the window. Stay in your vehicle, we will load your child for you. Then pull forward when possible. Thank you for helping keep our students SAFE.
RFJSHS: Tonight's softball game has been cancelled. There has not been a makeup date set yet.
RFJSH Jump Start begins Monday 8/15/22 with Session 1 at 7:45.
If you have not yet completed registration for this school year, please do so online. See you Monday!!
*JIS Parents* Jumpstart begins on Monday, August 15th. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE REGISTERED ONLINE BY MONDAY, AUGUST 15th. Classes begin promptly at 7:45am.