WPS/JIS: Parents/Guardians, We need you all to follow the dismissal procedures. For emergency and safety reasons we need to have designated areas free of vehicles. Remember to get in the PickUp lines if you are picking up your child at either WPS or JIS. DO NOT park in front of WPS to pick up your child or at Valley Wide to pick up JIS students. JIS students are not to be walking over to get picked up in front of WPS. We need to keep the dismissal procedures as streamlined as possible. Be aware of posted signs and cones. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe.
about 2 years ago, Patti Aldea
WPS/JIS- Parents/Guardians: You are invited to WPS/JIS Math Night on Tuesday, December 6th from 5:30-6:30 in the JIS Cafeteria. Come see what your children are learning in Math.
about 2 years ago, Patti Aldea
In preparation for the PK-12 addition/renovation construction project, several trees on the campus of the Junior Senior High School will be torn down in the next few days (Nov. 29 - Dec. 2). Please be cautious of the work going on while visiting the campus for other activities. We want everyone to be safe while we navigate the construction project for the next two years!
about 2 years ago, Kermit Snyder
Map of Tree Demo
about 2 years ago, Rita Robinson
Here are dress up days for Jefferson Intermediate School. These are not mandatory dress up days. We would love to see your holiday spirit when and if you can!! Let's enjoy these last few days before break!
about 2 years ago, Tina Haugen
*Jefferson Intermediate* 12 Days Before Christmas Break Dress Up Days
about 2 years ago, Rita Robinson
**Jefferson Intermediate** We will have a town meeting on Thursday, November 17th at 3:00pm in the JIS gym. We will have a guest speaker and we will be doing our 1st quarter awards at that time. Family and friends are welcome to attend.
about 2 years ago, Tina Haugen
over 2 years ago, Rita Robinson
Jefferson Intermediate School Student Council is sponsoring a Fall Food Drive. Please send any non-perishable items to school, starting on Monday, November 14th. There will be a classroom competition and the classroom that collects the highest number of items will earn a reward! We will extend our food drive until Thursday, December 15th and will deliver to the food pantry on Friday, December 16th. We appreciate any non-perishable items you can donate to others during the holiday seasons!
over 2 years ago, Tina Haugen
Jefferson Intermediate School Food Drive
November Scholarship Newsletter
over 2 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
Here is the RFSD Addition/Renovation Project Monthly Update. We are making progress!!
over 2 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
**JIS** Picture retakes are Wednesday, November 16th. If you are doing retakes, please return your original picture packet. Picture envelopes will be available in the school office.
over 2 years ago, Tina Haugen
over 2 years ago, Rita Robinson
JIS- Parents/Guardians: Picture Re-takes has been rescheduled for November 16, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Patti Aldea
WPS- Parents/Guardians: Picture Re-takes has been rescheduled for November 8, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Patti Aldea
over 2 years ago, Rita Robinson
**JIS**If you won a gift certificate from the Chili Chip Supper at Jefferson Intermediate School on Friday, October 28th, please come by the office to pick up your certificates. There was some miscommunication and the gift certificates didn't make it to the raffle. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you again for all of your support!
over 2 years ago, Tina Haugen
BOE Agenda - 11/1/2022
over 2 years ago, Sharon Trujillo
RFJSHS would like to invite parents to round 2 of FASFA night! Another great opportunity for us to help support you and your student toward their post-secondary educational goals!! See you Wednesday evening - October 26th - 5:00pm in our Cafeteria. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gz-Ux91-Sf6U5AuiFjwalNpzJ07lGxIF/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Rita Robinson
Gear Up
over 2 years ago, Rita Robinson