Mark your calendars! Kindergarten Round-Up will be held on April 26, 2024. Please see the attached flyer for more detailed information.
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
Kindergarten Round-up
RFJSHS students were able to experience the rare event of a solar eclipe! The wonder and glory of this unique event was amazing! A fun opportunity to take a break from the intesity of State testing. We were honored to have staff from Central Office join us as well. Thank you to Mr. Duff and Mrs. Jaramillo for the image of the sun and moon near the peak of the event.
10 months ago, Rita Robinson
10 months ago, Rita Robinson
Rocky Ford School District is hiring the following positions for the 2024-2025 school year: Elementary Music Teacher (Grades K-6); Elementary Physical Education Teacher (Grades 3-6); Secondary Language Arts Teacher (Grades 9-12); School Counselor (Grades K-12). Click the following link to apply today:
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
Help Wanted
**JEFFERSON** Thank you to everyone who supported our Spring Fundraiser at Jefferson Intermediate. As a reward to students who sold over 10 items, the principal was duct taped to the gym wall during our morning Town Meeting and Awards Assembly. She was a great sport and luckily was down within the hour.
10 months ago, Tina Haugen
Duct Tape Champ!
*JEFFERSON* Our fundraiser arrived earlier than expected. If you are available, you can come to the school after 2:30pm to pick up fundraising items. Please come to the front door and go to the gym. All items must be picked up today and must be signed out with the Student Council sponsors. Thank you again for all your support!
10 months ago, Tina Haugen
Please use the following link to view the BOE Meeting held on Tuesday, April 2, 2024:
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
RFSD has posted a new construction video to YouTube. If you would like to see the most recent drone video of the construction site (March, 2024), please click the link below.
10 months ago, Kermit Snyder
**JEFFERSON** The JIS fundraising items will be ready for pickup in the JIS gym by 4:15pm today. We will be here until 6pm this evening. All items MUST be picked up today.
10 months ago, Tina Haugen
Hip-hip hooray for Washington Primary School! They have 100% student attendance today!
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
*JEFFERSON* IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE!! Our Spring fundraiser will be delivered tomorrow, April 3rd, 2024. Parents/guardians can come and pick up fundraising items between 4:15- 6:00pm. Items will be in the gym and sorted by teacher. Parents/guardians will be able to park in the north parking lot (between Washington and Jefferson schools) AFTER 4:15pm so the buses will have a chance to come through and will not be blocked. The north cafeteria doors will be open. Items must be signed out with one of the Student Council sponsors. All items MUST be picked up by 6pm on Wednesday as we have no room to hold items. If you have any questions, please contact the school.
10 months ago, Tina Haugen
Rocky Ford FFA competed at the Regional CDE Contest in Lamar on March 27. Our students did really well in the competition. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
**Washington** Reminder-tomorrow, April 2nd, is Class Picture Day at WPS. Picture flyers with the order form will go home today and are also available in the WPS office as well as online at
10 months ago, Kim Davis
The Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 7pm can be viewed using the following link:
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
Summer EBT is coming! Please see the attached flyer for more information. If you have questions about your child's eligibility or need to update your address, please contact Melanie at 719-254-7423.
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
Summer EBT eng
Summer EBT spa
BOE Agenda for Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 7pm.
10 months ago, Judith Ortiz
BOE Agenda pg 1
BOE Agenda pg 2
10 months ago, Rita Robinson
*JEFFERSON* Reminder-tomorrow, April 1st, is Class Picture Day at JIS. Picture flyers with the order form went home on Thursday and are also available in the JIS office as well as online at Also, beginning tomorrow we will be using our new "buzz-in" system. The front door will be locked at 7:50am and if students arrive after that time, parents will need to buzz them in and sign them in at the office. The doors will remain locked throughout the day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
10 months ago, Tina Haugen
JIS: CMAS Information Night for Parents of 3rd-6th grade students: Monday, April 1st at 6:00pm at JIS. Come and learn about what the Colorado Measures of Academic Success assessment is all about.
10 months ago, Patti Aldea
JIS: CMAS Information Night for Parents of 3rd-6th grade students: Monday, April 1st at 6:00pm at JIS. Come and learn about what the Colorado Measures of Academic Success assessment is all about.
10 months ago, Patti Aldea