
Julie Sandoval, Science Teacher; Brandy Bone, Science Teacher; Howard Carter, Head of Maintenance: We would like to recognize these individuals for their work on the chemical hygiene plans required by the department of public health. Julie and Howard spent a significant amount of time inventorying chemicals and identifying many for disposal. Brandy is sharing her work on her chemical hygiene plan with others so that they can all be finished by January 24th. We appreciate the time and effort of these three individuals and the other teachers who are also working to complete the required plans!

Kindergarten Team - Ashley Venem, Amanda Olmedo, and Nicole Wainer: We would like to recognize the Kindergarten team for their early preparation for this year's Kindergarten Roundup. They met with CDS this week to coordinate the details. The plan will be adapted quite a bit this year because of the new facility, being in the same hallway as two CDS classrooms, and our effort not to disrupt other grade levels. We appreciate their initiative, the significant amount of coordination, and their excitement & enthusiasm for meeting the next round of Kindergarten students!